ABS Function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Returns the absolute value of a numeric expression. Syntax ABS( numeric-expression#) Remarks The absolute value is the unsigned magnitude of its argument. For example, ABS(-1) and ABS(1) are both 1. Example The following example finds an approximate value for a cube root. It uses ABS to find the difference between two guesses to see if the current guess is accurate. DEFDBL establishes the default data type for all variables. DEFDBL A-Z Precision = .0000001# CLS ' Clear the screen. INPUT "Enter a value. ", Value ' Prompt for input. ' Make the first two guesses. X1 = 0#. X2 = Value ' Loop until the difference between guesses is ' less than the required precision. DO UNTIL ABS(X1 - X2) < Precision X = (X1 + X2) - 2# ' Adjust the guesses. IF X * X * X - Value < 0# THEN X1 = X ELSE X2 = X END IF LOOP PRINT "The cube root is "; X Output Enter a value. 27 The cube root is 2.99999997206032